About The House of Eleima


Your body is a temple. It’s dedicated to many gods. You are invited to come and worship.

The House of Eleima is a gathering place for a new age. I’m Mag Ela.

Following a car crash in 2016, I decided to dedicate my life to helping others heal from emotional and physical pain, through Flogging and Reiki.

I discovered Flogging as part of a BDSM practice. However, there is a long tradition of using whips and floggers for spiritual purposes, In practices such as Tantra, the way to a ‘true’ spirituality is by accepting material reality and working with the body.

I’ve always believed there is a reason we have these human bodies and minds: the human experience is a beautiful, interesting, and incredibly beautiful experiment for the eternal soul. Because of our humanity, we’re able to understand and connect many of the mysteries.

The human experience is to be embraced by us. We can be so much more than clever animals.

I was born as one of four children in a family of workers, who lived in the city of Amsterdam, The Netherlands. I studied to be an artist as well as a lawyer.

In my practice at The House of Eleima, I combine my life’s experience with energy healing techniques (Reiki, The Bengston Method, use of crystals) and the very physical, kinetic energy of flogging.

My flogging practice has proven to be controversial, but I believe truth, love, and wisdom will ultimately win out.

At the House of Eleima, we hold that mind, body and soul are connected to The Cosmic Life-Breath, called Kybele-Atum. This divine energy is what makes us at once unique beings and mere manifestations of universal energy.

As humans we experience this divine energy through the presence of the Goddess of the Invisible Light, named Eleima. Where there is no light, the God of the Material World is always present; his name is Kelaino.

To help all seekers experience the one-ness and feel Light and Dark within themselves, we offer private and group sessions of UM DA, or ‘meditative flogging’. We organise events, and meet in groups.

The House of Eleima

Body and soul, purpose and focus, in harmony with the gods.

our mission

Our mission is to celebrate the dance of life by creating a world-wide community of lovers and friends.
