Is reality?
The body is real
everything else, well, not so much
it's all smoke and mirrors
in a fantasy world.
The smoke is poisonous, though,
and you can cut your hand on a broken mirror,
so it's serious, even though it's not real.
There is chaos all around
what can you hang on to
when all that is solid
dissolves into air?
Chaos creates fear
Fear leads to anger
Anger leads to violence.
You can create order within yourself
Order creates freedom
when the rules are just
and come from love.
Love is real
but you can't touch it
You can touch the body
and feel your love.
You can be seen
you can be loved
you can be touched.
You can create order within yourself
and this order
is the feeling of loving
and being loved.
It is freedom without need.
What the body wants
is real
and the body wants to be loved.
So yes, there may be chaos all around
but there is no need to be scared.
Inside of you lives the Eternal Heart.
It is your connection to what is real.
The body is real.